Human Resources are, without question, the most important asset within the structure of any organization. Thus, the primary goal of the Human Resources Department is to support the operational departments with sufficient skilled, competent, and motivated personnel to achieve the organization's operational targets. The most important goal is the provision of a broad spectrum of services to its members and clients.
The Human Resources Department ensures that the practices, policies, and procedures comply with prevailing labour and other regulatory legislation. The organization also complies with the reporting of the Department of Labour and AgriSETA. SSK Group uses the Peromnes Grading System to ensure that their all-inclusive remuneration packages remain market-related. Fringe benefits like ample leave, medical and pension benefits, profit-share bonuses and incentives, and study aid and procurement benefits. The low labour turnover and numerous job applications received are indications of the position SSK holds as one of the preferred employers in their operating area.
SSK is accredited to offer apprenticeships in the following trades: Electrical, Diesel Mechanics, Fitting and turning, and Welding. Successful candidates are given the necessary academic background and practical exposure under mentorship to complete their trade tests in the particular trade of their choice. Kindly contact the Human Resources Department for more information on our annual intakes.